To anticipate adult teeth's arrival (they are usually wider than baby ones as mentioned in Introduction), our jaws need to expand.  Gradually there are spaces between baby teeth between the age of 4 and 6.  Although baby teeth look less attractive with spaces, they are normal.  In fact, the bigger the spaces, the better off.

On the other hand, when the spaces are not big enough, there is a little problem with welcome party for adult teeth.  Fig.1 is taken when Daniel is 5.5 years old.  There are no spaces between baby teeth, suggesting that jaw development is delayed a little bit.

When Daniel is 6, there are small spaces between lower front teeth (Fig.2 arrowheads).  An adult tooth (1) erupts behind one of front teeth (A).  His mother worries about it.  The space (one arrowhead) plus one baby tooth (A) is still narrower than the width of the adult tooth.  Return to main text

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/30/2011, last revision 10/30/2011