Implant is Like a Piece of Artwork

Mrs. Yang in her 40s has lost a molar tooth (Fig.1: #3).  She is afraid of implant and went to her home country to have a bridge made (#2-4).  A few years later, the tooth #2 gets a cavity (>) and infection.  The bridge is partially removed to get root canal done (Fig.2 *).  Since the cavity is related to the bridge, this time we have to place an implant.  After missing the tooth for long time, the bone height is limited (Fig.2 red line).  To place a long implant (Fig.3 I), bone powder has to be placed in the sinus (*).  Finally jointed temporary crowns are cemented at #2 and 3 (Fig.4).  The crowns are made to protect the wound, but not used for chewing for 2-3 months.  A special bandage is applied (*) for further protection.  To the patient's surprise, there is no pain at all.  She appreciates that we take time doing ever step just mentioned.  Mrs. Yang says "Implant is just like a piece of artwork we saw in Italy".

In fact an implant is like a construction, building something natural.  In contrast, a bridge destroys our teeth and makes them easily vulnerable (getting gum disease and cavity).  Next time we lose a tooth, please do not hesitate to choose an implant, which can last several years to come.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/13/2015, last revision 12/13/2015