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牙科知識人人須知(715)自然牙与植牙 叶太太缺失两个门牙多年(图一:M),用牙桥修复,由两边自然牙(N,侧切牙)支撑。由于假牙(缺牙)对牙床没有功能性刺激,牙床萎缩(图一:X)。去年左上尖牙坏了,用植牙修复(I),植牙与自然牙一样,咀嚼力对牙床有正常生理刺激,牙床并没有萎缩(*)。缺牙处牙床萎缩从另外一侧看,更明显(图二),其实牙齿与假牙之间有很大缝隙(箭头),口内看,也显著(图三),那么大间隙肯定给病人带来许多不便,说话漏风,食物容易掉入。 总之,我们应该尽量保护牙齿,一旦不行,拔出后必须即可或者尽早植牙。 魏心牙科博士初稿05/29/2017,最后一次修改05/29/2017 |
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Natural Teeth and Implants
Mrs. Ye has two missing teeth (Fig.1 M), which are replaced by a bridge for several years. The latter is supported by two natural teeth (N). Last year she got an implant tooth (I). The common feature of the natural tooth and implant is that there is no shrinkage of gums over them (*). The gums over the missing teeth are severely shrunken (X). The latter is more obvious when we look at the missing teeth from the other side (Fig.2). In fact there is a large gap between the fake tooth and the shrunken gums (arrow). The big gap, which is also visible inside the mouth Fig.3), should be inconvenient to speaking and eating. In one word, no teeth, no bone. Natural tooth and implant maintain our bone. Try to save our teeth as long as possible. When they are no longer salvageable, extract and replace with implants as soon as possible or immediatetly.
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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/29/2017, last revision 05/29/2017