ProRoot MTA Root Repair Material Mixing Instructions
Note: ProRoot MTA root repair material does not set as quickly as other cements. Careful mixing will make the material easier to handle
Open a pouch of ProRoot MTA root repair material and dispense the powder onto a mixing pad
Pull off the end of a ProRoot liquid micro-dose ampoule and squeeze out contents onto the mixing pad next to the root repair material
Gradually incorporate the liquid into the cement using the ProRoot MTA mixing stick (plastic)
Mix the material with the liquid for about one minute to ensure all the powder particles are hydrated
If needed (one extra ampoule is provided, sterile water can also be used), one or two drops of liquid can be added to make the material into a thick, creamy consistency
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/12/2011, last revision 07/12/2011