Carmen Tran- 8/14/13
One Piece Implant Procedure
Say hi to the patient
and confirm the procedure
Let patient rinse with
Chlorhexidine (5 to 10 cc) before surgery
Let patient sign consent
Use 2 small towels to
cover trays. Also put a big towel over the patient’s chest
Use the long forceps to
pick up the needle in the jar
Open the pouch of the
irrigation cups and take them out
Pick up the long forceps
to grab the Iodine in the irrigation cup
Use Iodine to clean the
mouth and the face
Sequence for One Piece Implant
Use anesthesia to numb
the patient’s teeth
2. Make marks with explorer. If the gingiva is not tough, directly use drill to penetrate it so that #15 may be not needed
1.5mm pilot drill in E16R slow-speed hand
piece with irrigation
Use x-ray device to
check orientation
5. We should also check occlusion against the opposing arch while 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm pilot drill in place. If the trajectory is off a little bit, CBA (angled abutment, 15°) will be used. Look for the one piece implant box and take one bag out. Take out the implant from the bag
6. Use an appropriate CB driver (for example, 3.0 mm) first, second use the HT26 driver, and third use the adjustable torque wrench to turn the implant into the bone/gums (use regular ratchet wrench if we reach the maximum amount of torque of the adjustable wrench). In the end make sure the implant is tightly secured in the patient’s bone. When the wrench touches the neighboring tooth/teeth, use HT20 (extension)
7. We need the final x-ray to check if the implant is placed properly without touching the adjacent teeth
8. Prepare abutments and check shade for temporary crowns or bridge
9. Why do we need one piece implant? Where are
they used most often?
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/15/2013, last revision 08/18/2013