Angled Unipost Resin Cement

While the Tatum straight abutment is stable with an anti-rotational groove, the angled one requires more secure cementation than Ketac Cement.  Isolite is needed for a mandibular case.  Dialite bur (shiny, smooth surface) should be prepared to remove Zirconia crown.  Unipost holder should be available to check whether threads of the unipost are good or not.  Abutment driver is used to remove unipost.  Cavitron will be used to remove residual cement.  Try in the used unipost to check whether it can be seated completely prior to recementation.

The key is Panavia SA Cement Plus Automix (Self-Adhesive Resin Cement).  After acid etch and bonding, a mixing tip is used to apply the cement directly to the implant well.  Let the doctor wear protective shade.  Otherwise the cement will be set prematurely under extensive light.  After light cure, wait for self cure ~ 10 minutes.

The final crown will be resin cemented.  Cement should be evenly applied to the margin for complete seal as well as the retention groove to prevent unlock.


Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/01/2016, last revision 03/01/2016