Why do we use individual burs?

The guide drill is used to drill through the cortical bone and fix the position for implant.

The initial drill is used for development of osteotomy site of cortical bone.

The pilot drill is used to adjust the slope or location of the osteotomy site.

The depth gauge is use to measure a depth by inserting the bent measuring section of the depth gauge into the osteotomy site formed at cortical bone.

The parallel pin provides location and direction of site preparation.

The Lindermann drill provides direction adjustment.

The Tapered drill is used for intermediate or final drilling.

The profile drill is used to shape top fixture.

The tap drill is used to tap in dense bone following the final profile drill used in the preparation of the osteotomy.

The drill extension provides extra length for drills used with hand pieces.

Carmen Tran December 22, 2013

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/27/2013, last revision 12/27/2013