Treatment planning of surgical access to the impacted 7 (Fig.1) before CT analysis include extraction of 8 (Fig.2) and removal of the bone coronal to 8 (Fig.3 red) so that there will be no bony block to 7 eruption (Fig.4).  考虑经济问题以及小孩年轻愈合好,拔牙窝放置胶原骨(图8:OP (Osteogen Plug),与图三相比(计划用PRF))。7,8牙槽窝之间中隔(图三:红线; 图八:*)没有去除,应该随着牵引,萌出而消失。

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 09/26/2020, last revision 12/19/2020