Extraction Setup
- In sterilization room, prepare Surgery cassette or pouch.
Basic instruments include Minnesota retractor, periosteal elevator
and surgical curet. The last one may
be the most essential
- Forceps, upper 3rd molar elevator for fully bony or
extremely tough cases if necessary
- Periotome, collagen plug, and bone graft for atraumatic extraction for
- Surgical handpiece (135
angle with long-shanked fissure bur) for partial or full bony lower 3rd
- Wrap a tray with a plastic bag (cabinet under clean counter or in the
drawer underneath the one for cassette wrapping paper) for surgical
extraction. Place the wrapped tray
on doctor’s side. Prepare another
tray with paper cover for DA
- In treatment room, use a sterilized cup for single extraction or a bowl
for multiple extraction. Pour
appropriate amount of sterile normal saline (more for lower tooth
extraction) into the cup or bowl. A
3 cc monojet is needed
- For extraction of painful tooth, load syringe with Mepivacaine, prepare
1-2 carpules of Xylocaine (red) and one of Septocaine; for simple
extraction, load syringe with Xylocaine (red), prepare each of Xylocaine
(red), Mepivacaine and Septocaine
- Usually one 2x2 is enough for single extraction.
Prepare one extra in case
- Install a plastic surgical suction if pouched instrument is used.
It is good to prepare one or two extra plastic surgical suctions in
case the first get blocked during surgery, particularly for lower 3rd molar.
If the surgical cassette has a large diameter suction tip, prepare a plastic
suction tip with small diameter, vice versa.
- Take out, but not open a #15 blade and plain gut suture (18 inch for
single extraction, whereas 27 for multiple one), chromic gut for atraumatic
- Bite block for lower extraction, particularly difficult cases
- For lower posterior extraction, place a capsule of Tetracycline in the
cap of the bottle
- Suction and clean the suction lines with surgical suction tip on!
If the tip is blocked, use wire to get through
- Save unused materials including carpules, clean if contaminated
- Return to
Assistant Page
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/01/2011, last revision