Augma for Socket Preservation

A 84-year-old man (uncontrolled diabetes) requests extraction of terminal teeth (#17, 20-22) for complete denture (Fig.1-3).  He does not have finance for implants now.  After extraction and debridement, 1 cc of Bond Apatite is applied to the sockets (Fig.4-6).  The sockets at #20-22 are primarily closed with 4-0 PGA (Fig.7), while that of #17 with 4-0 Chromic gut suture over Osteogen Plug (a type of Collagen Plug, Fig.8).  PGA sutures remain in place (Fig.9,10), while Chromic Gut ones dissolve 7 days postop (Fig.11).  The ridge at the extraction sites remains robust 2 months postop (Fig.12).  The sockets seem to remain radiopaque 2 months postop (Fig.13).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/27/2020, last revision 05/04/2020