Collagen vs. Osteogen Plug

A 22-year-old man will return for 3rd molar extraction (4 of them, Fig.1-4).  Prepare 2 or 3 #15 blades and 1-2 extra surgical burs.  Since the third molars may overlap with the second ones, oblique incision (red line in Fig.4') will be mesial.  Place Collagen and Osteogen plugs in the #32 and 17 sockets, respectively (Fig.4': C, O).  As the roots are short and bone formation distal to the 2nd molars is critical, the plugs will be placed horizontally and coronally (Fig.4' white outline).  No dovetail is needed.  Pan 4 BW will be taken immediately and 3-4 months postop.  The experiment will confirm whether collagen plug is enough to facilitate socket bone healing.  In fact extraction of #1 turns out to be extremely difficult.  There is not enough time for #16 and 17 extraction in one appointment (Fig.5).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/07/2020, last revision 08/15/2020