3-Year Postop CT Analysis of the 3rd Molar Sockets

A 34-year-old lady requests extraction of #1, 16 and 32 (Fig.1).  After incision for 32, surgical bur is used to create a purchase point to protect the thin bone between #31 and 32.  The tooth is extracted with straight elevators and forceps.  The socket is large single.  Osteogen plug is placed with 4-0 plain gut suture (x4).  There is cortical formation in the crest at #1, 16 and 32 three years postop (Fig.2-6 *, arrowheads).  The advantage of Osteogen plug over Augma is easy placement with less risk of loss (by dissolving by saliva).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/22/2016, last revision 10/12/2019