Loss of  Contact Over Time

A 37-year-old man has history of chronic periodontitis.  He returns for #18 implant placement 4 months post extraction (Fig.1).  A 6x14 mm tissue-level implant is placed using combination of bone expansion and drills (Fig.2).  Fig.3 shows the implant 5 months postop.

In spite of history of chronic periodontitis, the patient does not return for regular maintenance.  There appears mild bone loss around the implant 2 years 3 months post cementation (Fig.4 ^).   The bone loss appears to increase, accompanied by loose contact with the neighboring tooth 3 years 10 months post cementation (Fig.5 *, compare to Fig.4).

When a new crown is fabricated and cemented, the contact seems to be normal (Fig.6 (trimmed from a bitewing) <).  The bone loss does not look as severe as before (Fig.5).  Clinically, the gingiva is firmly attached to the implant without sign of inflammation.  The case will be closely followed up.

Return to Long-termed Follow-Up

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/14/2015, last revision 05/19/2018