Place Implant with Prevention of Peri-implantitis in Mind

A 50-year-old lady complains of the diastema between the teeth # 8 and 9 (Fig.1 (taken 10 months ago prior to #10 immediate implant).  It is probably due to mesial bone loss (Fig.2 *) and buccodistal displacement of the tooth #8.  To prevent peri-implantitis, the 1st thread (Fig.3 arrow) should be placed apical to the mesial crest (red dashed line) after socket treatment with 2% Xylocaine with 1:50,000 Epinephrine.  After fabrication of the immediate provisional, make sure that there is enough clearance from the partial denture.  There is no interference to the provisional when the partial is in and out.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/20/2016, last revision 01/10/2019