Remove Occlusal Interference Prior to Implant

A 53-year-old man has an asymtomatic fistula associated with the tooth #8 since 2010 (Fig.1 with gutta percha in the fistula).  Now the tooth is mobile (Fig.2).  The patient seeks treatment.  There are no deep pockets.  The tooth #25 is labially shifted with premature contact with the affected upper tooth.  Prior to extraction and 2% Xylocaine/1:50,000 Epinephrine socket application, take photos of and relieve the premature contact.  Measure root dimension after extraction to determine the minimal size of the implant.  To compensate for relatively small diameter of the implant, the implant should be long, e.g., 16 mm in Fig.3.  Place bone graft in 2 steps with sufficient amount.

Draw blood for PRF (platelet Rich Fibrin) upon the patient's arrival.  PRF will be placed inside the socket against the labial plate to close the fistula prior to bone graft.  The liquid portion of PRF will be used to mix graft, which will become sticky.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/19/2016, last revision 06/17/2021