Implant-Supported Provisional Bridge

A 52-year-old man's upper anterior bridge (Fig.1) is dislodged.  The abutment teeth #7 (Fig.2) and 10 (Fig.3) fracture equi- or subgingivally.  After curetting apical granulation tissue (Fig.3 *), the socket will be soaked with Metronidazole.  Anterior immediate implants should be narrow (not invade buccal plate) and long (primary stability).  If the mesiodistal width of the extracted teeth is wider than 4.1 mm, pre-mounted UF implants will be used (the smallest).  Otherwise 3.8 mm implants will be used.  Another advantage of the latter is longer length available (15,16,18).  Prepare gold coated cemented, temporary and angled abutments.  The loose existing bridge will be converted to the immediate provisional.  The second option is to use suction down stent for acrylic bridge.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/17/2016, last revision 07/01/2018