A 64-year-old woman has had sign of periimplantitis at #29 (Fig.1 (CBCT sagittatl section)) in the last 3 years.  There is bone resorption mesial and distal to the implant at #29 and mesial to the implant at #31 (>; regraft seemingly necessary).

RCT of the tooth #28 is incomplete.  A post makes RCT retreatment difficult.  In addition, the tooth is free of symptom.

The clearance between the implant at #29 and the Mental Loop (orange) is 2.6 mm.  Immediate replacement of the implant with periimplantitis appears to be impossible.  Is it true?

Immediate Replacement

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/17/2017, last revision 04/17/2017