Immediate Implant for Lower 2nd Molar with Periodontitis

A 51-year-old lady (LM) has difficulty in chewing on the left because of mobility of the tooth #18.  Take preop PA(s) for design.  The socket will be treated with Clindamycin.  Palpate the submandibular fossa prior to osteotomy.  If the lingual plate is perforated, the lingual artery in the submandibular fossa may be traumatized, causing severe postop hemorrhage and respiratory distress.  The buccal plate may be lost.  The patient is short in statue.  The implant should be more than 12 mm for bone-level or 14 mm for tissue-level.  Her bone density is not expected to be high so that underprep is must.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/10/2015, last revision 10/15/2015