The gingiva is quite thick (Fig.2 (PA) arrowheads: gingival margin). 

In order to prevent thread exposure associated with immediate implant, a bone-level implant will be placed (Fig.3 5.3x8 mm; green lines) with a long abutment (5.8x5.5 mm (black lines) (6 mm cuff; red lines)).   Initial osteotomy depth is between 14 and 17 mm.  Insert a parallel pin and take the 1st intraop PA.  Use reamers to enlarge osteotomy and collect autogenous bone.  A drill with a stopper (5x8mm) will be used prior to placement of the implant mentioned above.  Since the opposing is a removable partial denture, an immediate provisional at the site of #31 should be safe to be fabricated.  Bone graft will be placed to cover the exposed implant surface.  The remaining gap will be filled with collagen dressing and the provisional.  A temporary abutment is the other option.  The neck will be subgingival to long extent.

Long Abutment

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/07/2015, last revision 04/07/2015