植牙牙冠后护理(Care after Implant Crown Cementation)

植牙是缺牙最好的修复方法,几乎百分之百恢复牙齿功能,可以长期使用。不过植牙就像我们牙齿还会坏,会发炎,植牙周围炎,可能需要手术治疗,甚至拔除,重新种植。所以植牙需要长期护理,精心照顾,除了天天刷牙(尤其是电动牙刷)外,应该用牙间刷(例如GUM SOFT-PICKS),最好沾医用漱口水(洗必泰,Chlorhexidine, Peridex)或者牙膏。坚持使用牙线(包括superfloss)也是一个好习惯,不过更好用水牙线(Water PikWater Flosser),晚上清洁牙齿特别重要。每三或者六个月(视你口腔卫生情况)需要回来复查(拍摄X光片)和洗牙,我们使用特殊冲洗方法,有效去除细菌,早期阻断植牙周围炎。定期检查如果发现问题,我们可以及时处理。如果我们怀疑您晚上磨牙齿,应该坚持每晚戴night guard。如果牙冠松动,尽早回诊所拧紧。总之,早日告诉我们您任何不适。如果还有其他治疗,尽早完成。请签字,到前台复印,领取口腔卫生工具,谢谢。


签字                                     日期                     202    

Care after Implant Crown Cementation

Implant is the best treatment for a missing tooth. It restores function almost 100% and can be used for long time. Like our own teeth, implant will get infection, called periimplantitiis if we do not follow the following guidelines. The infection may need surgery, including implant removal and redo. Therefore we need to step up care for our own teeth and implant. In addition to daily brushing (especially electric one), we should use a small toothbrush called Proxibrush or GUM SOFT-PICKS to clean between the teeth every evening. The small brush is more effective if it is combined with a special mouth rinse (called Chlorohexidine or Peridex) or simply regular toothpaste. Equally important is to use Water Pik, Water Flosser. Return every 3 or 6 months (depending upon your oral hygiene maintenance) for check up (including X-ray) and cleaning. Action can be taken when early sign of problem arises. In case you grind your teeth at night, buy night guard and wear it every night. Return to office immediately when the implant crown is loose. In one word, inform us of your earliest discomfort. Finish remaining dental treatment so that the implant tooth and your own teeth get more protection. Please sign below, bring it to the front for copy and getting oral hygiene samples. Thanks.

Signature                                    Month                   Day                         202     

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/29/2020, last revision 03/29/2020