
After placement of implant at #30 with high torque, osteotomy is prepared with 2.2 mm drill at #24 (M) first (Fig.1 before flap surgery).  A 2.5 mm mini implant is placed < 10 Ncm (Fig.2,3).  Since the ridge at #26 is apparently wider than that of #24 (Fig.1), a 3x11.5 mm implant is placed after the same drill (2.2 mm); insertion torque is ~ 35 Ncm.  Bone graft is placed around the implants (Fig.2,3 *) before placement of PRF membrane.  The patient is unpleased with our being unable to fabricate an immediate provisional (because of low torque at #24) as we have promised to.  He is going to attend a wedding in fortnight.  Instead periodontal dressing is applied.  The latter is slight loose 1 week postop (Fig.4).  There is apparently no bone loss 4 months postop with ~ 3 month provisional (Fig.5).  The gingiva is healthy in spite of poor oral hygiene.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/05/2020, last revision 07/02/2020