Ossogen (allograft, Fig.2 *) is placed around the septum (red dashed line).  The socket opening is covered by BioXclude and approximated with 4-0 PGA suture, followed by periodontal dressing.  With the septum's support, bone graft is expected to heal without too much ridge collapse.  The mesial and distal sockets behave as 2 small premolar ones, getting ample blood supply.  The sockets heal with preservation of the septum (Fig.4: S), while there is formation of the cortical plate on the top of the ridge (Fig.5: ^).  术后10个月牙槽窝愈合,中隔外形保留(图四(CT矢状切面))。

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/11/2020, last revision 11/11/2020