Furca Gingiva I

A 58-year-old man requests extraction of the tooth #19 with supraocclusion (Fig.1).  After extraction, the septal gingiva has to be sectioned to remove underlying granulation tissue thoroughly.  The buccal plate is missing.  Ossogen (allograft, Fig.2 *) is placed around the septum (red dashed line).  The socket opening is covered by BioXclude and approximated with 4-0 PGA suture, followed by periodontal dressing.  With the septum's support, bone graft is expected to heal without too much ridge collapse.  The mesial and distal sockets behave as 2 small premolar ones, getting ample blood supply.  The socket heals in 20 days (Fig.3).

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant, No Deviation 18
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/22/2020, last revision 02/15/2020