Finally 2 pieces of PRF membranes are utilized to facilitate repair of the buccal soft tissue defect (Fig.7 *).  。The gingival margin gains ~ 5 mm 6 weeks postop when the acrylic dressing is removed (Fig.11,12 (<: previous one), as compared to Fig.7,8).  最后两片PRF膜(图七*)植入充填颊侧牙龈萎缩,服服帖帖,形态颜色与牙龈那么匹配。治疗结束时尖牙牙龈缘高于第一双尖牙(图七),六个星期后,尖牙牙龈缘却低于双尖牙(图十二(箭头:原始牙龈缘))。

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/03/2020, last revision 08/26/2020