The crown/abutment is loose approximately 1 year post cementation.  Due to her daughter's contracting COVID 19, she postpones returning for approximately 1 year.  The access hole is opened, crown/abutment (6.5x4(4) mm) removed, proximal contacts reduced, crown/abutment reseated without certainty.  BW shows incomplete seating probably due to bony interference (Fig.9).  A 5.5x4(4) mm can not be seated (bouncing, probably due to soft tissue interference).  When a 4.5x5(4) mm abutment (UF) is seated, hand tightening is smooth, confirmed by BW (Fig.10).  Two weeks later, the new crown is cemented intraorally.  The crown/abutment is removed for cleaning.  The abutment screw is torqued at 20 NCM. 10 mm Immediate  Last  Next  Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/11/2021, last revision 06/27/2021