There is small scale of break of the sinus floor (Fig.1 arrowheads) when the implant is placed.  No treatment is rendered for the mucocele.  The implant heals without tenderness over the anterior sinus wall nearly 4 months postop (Fig.2), but the abutment is loose with unhealthy gingival cuff.  It is difficult to reseat the abutment, probably due to contact with the mesial crest.  A 6.8x7 mm healing abutment is placed.  A 5.2x4(4) mm cemented abutment is placed before impression.  A crown is cemented 6 months postop (Fig.3); there is no gap between the abutment and implant, as compared to Fig.1,2 (+ gap).

No Lift Last Next  Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/17/2020, last revision 06/27/2021