The implant is backed up and re-directed.  The trajectory is changed within normal limit (Fig.2); the torque is slightly less than before.  The distal 2nd thread is outside the crestal bone (<).

When the patient returns for impression 6.5 months postop, the provisional has dislodged because of the short abutment (Fig.7 A (6.5x4(2) mm).  A longer one is placed (6.5x5(3) mm).   The original sinus floor has been resorbed, while there is bone formation apical to the implant (*).  Two distal threads are not covered by the bone.  Therefore the implant should have been placed higher.  There is a distinct layer of bone apical to the implant 22 months post cementation (Fig.10 *).  The implant remains infection free 3 years 10 months post cementation (Fig.12) due to the thick gingiva and good oral hygiene.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/27/2015, last revision 09/05/2019