RCT: 6-Year Follow-Up

A 29-year-old man has chronic apical perio-dontitis at #19 (Fig.1) for 5 years before RCT with apical buccal swelling (Fig.2).  Three days post RCT a fistula develops (Fig.3); curettage is performed.  Crown is prepared 3.5 years later (Fig.4).  Bitewing is taken immediately before cementation (Fig.5).  There is no leakage 2 years 8 months post cementation (Fig.6,7) or periapical radiolucency 6 years 3 months post RCT (Fig.8).  Return to Professionals Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/27/2019, last revision 11/28/2019