Immediate Bridge Following Sinus Lift and Implantation

A 54-year-old lady has severe toothache in the upper left region.  Exam reveals a posterior 4-unit bridge (Fig.1 B); one of the abutments (#15) needs root canal therapy (RCT, Fig.2).  The bridge is temporarily recemented after RCT.  Two implants are planned (4x14 mm and 5x11 mm at the sites of #13 and 14) with sinus lift/graft (Fig.3).

Make 2 surgical stents before surgery, one for surgery, the other for the 4-unit provisional bridge.  Place short abutments following implantation.  Occlusion of the bridge should be light.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/08/2014, last revision 08/08/2014