Duplication of Complete (Full) Denture
Celara’s Technique (similar to lab reline)
- Blade and #15 to cut off excess impression material; save it for lab
- Prepare PVS tray adhesive
- PVS heavy and light body impression
- Install mixing tube for heavy or medium body only; prepare one or two
extra mixing tip/tube. Prepare light body, but do not install mixing tube
- Wear latex-free gloves (including crown impression)
- Paint the border of the denture with adhesive (border only,
- Use light body as little as possible, just enough to cover the tissue
surface. There is not too much space
for impression; too much material can cause gagging
- After taking impression, let the patient wait in the waiting room.
The doctor or preferably assistant will duplicate denture(s) in our own lab
(Fig.1-6) and then send to
commercial lab (DDS)
- Choose shade for denture teeth
- Please read instructions how to use extended pour Alginate and fast set
stone in the evening. Why do we have to use these special Alginate and
stone (Fig.3,4)? After taking impression with regular Alginate in an operatory,
when should we pour the model?
- Next visit: wax try-in with denture teeth in
- 3rd visit: final try in
- What is the advantage of denture duplication?
- Photos are provided by Jenny Sheets
- Return
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/19/2011, last revision