Triple Tray vs. Quadrant Tray for Bicon Abutment level impression
When do we use tripe tray?
Before taking impression, check the
patient's bite. If the plastic sleeve does not touch the opposing teeth, a
triple tray will be used.
When do we use quadrant tray?
Quadrant tray provides adequate
space for the impression.
Seat the abutment with tapping. Snap
impression sleeve. If the plastic sleeve is too high and patient can't bite
down, a quadrant tray will be used for impression.
For quadrant tray we need to prepare:
-Alginate impression for
opposing arch
-PVS impression for working arch
-And bite
The above is modified from Carmen's version as follows
Why we need tripe tray?
Before we take the impression i'll have
the patient bite into
the triple tray relation with upper arch teeth and
lower arch teeth
and close their teeth together.
Why we need
quadrant tray?
- Quadrant tray impression should provide adequate
space for
the impression.
-Seat the abutment with a gentle tapping
impression.sleeve.If plastic
sleeve too high and patient can't
bite down that me we can use
quadrant tray for impression.
quadrant tray we need to perpare:
-Opposing arch for alginate
-working arch apply pvs impression
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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 09/25/2013, last revision 09/25/2013