Bicon Implant Uncover and Impression Preparation


  1. Surgical suction, irrigation cup, monojet, 2x2, cotton roll, special q-tip, alcohol
  2. Let patient rinse with Chlorhexidine 5-10 cc before surgery
  3. Doctor tray wrapped with plastic
  4. 45 ° surgical handpiece, bur block if available
  5. Implant uncover post-op instruction
  6. Make sure implant well size: 2, 2.5 or 3 mm
  7. Instruments: syringe, retractor, scalpel, periosteal elevator, curet, needle holder, scissors, #15, suture, large implant cassette (or guiding pin, sulculus reamers, usually 5 mm), X-ray device
  8. Select shade
  9. Read Bicon Surgical Manual p 29 and Bicon Restorative Manual p 8: or watch video
  10. Check Bicon Surgical Manual p 10-17 for arrangement of cassette
  11. There are two ways of impression: Implant Level Impression for working arch (apply PVS impression adhesive on custom tray), Alginate impression for opposing arch, yellow stone pour model, possible bite registration
  12. Abutment-level impression: Insert abutment, abutment sleeve, and use triple tray for impression; if prep is done on the abutment, the abutment sleeve will not be used.  Take impression as regular crown.  Prepare three boxes for abutments (shouldered, non-shouldered) and impression
  13. Use another abutment sleeve for temporary crown if there is no prep on the abutment
  14. Sometimes temporary abutment is used in stead of the temporary crown
  15. Rinse suction lines with surgical suction tip with water after surgery


Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/27/2013, last revision 09/25/2013