Before After

Close Spaces Before Debanding

When orthodontic treatment is finished for a patient with crowding and anterior deep bite in 13 months, a diastema is found between the upper central incisors (Fig.2), which could be prevented by applying power chains for a few appointments prior to debanding.  The upper anterior teeth look protrusive (Fig.4), proximal reduction seems necessary.  Taking impression prior to debanding may reveal deficiency (Fig.5,6; 2nd  good practice).  The hidden diastemata can be revealed by use of 3-way syringe.  The only prominent change is the reduction in the anterior deep bite (Fig.7,8 (posterior view)).

The 3rd good practice is to take 2 sets of Alginate impression so that there are 4 sets of postop models if impression is poured twice.  Fabrication of suction down retainers may destroy the models. Retainers may be needed redo several years later.  Some of patients prefer the 1st postop models.  In short, extra models are beneficial.  Extra care is required for the extra work, e.g., avoiding bubbles. The model will be saved in a secure way (good wrapping).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/22/2017, last revision 04/23/2017