Locator运转正常,说明根尖关闭。预先弯曲扩大针:10-20号,然后使用40/.06 rotary
file,太容易达到根尖,所以逐步使用扩大针治七十号,但是逐渐失去working length
Plus Paste,主牙胶尖40/.06,以及medium and fine medium accessory gutta
I happened to have a similar case
recently. An Asian 13y/o girl with spontaneous
pain on the virgin tooth of #29. I researched it and found it is probably a
condition called Dens Evaginatus. It is a relatively common developmental
condition affecting predominately premolar teeth. The defect is an anomalous
tubercle or cusp located in the center of the occlusal surface. Did you
notice this on your pt.'s #29? Also pay attention to this: my pathology book
say" it has been reported almost exclusively in individuals of the Asians or
Mongoloid race including Asians, Eskimos, Native Americans. The defect is
frequently bilateral". My patient had #20 treated ( apexification) more than
a year ago. Your patient is 18y/o so the apex is formed and rct should have
no problem. Did he have any complaint on #20?
I can send more information about Evaginatus's clinical feature and
treatment plan if any of you are interested.
Thanks for sharing.
Monday, March
25, 2013 3:15 PM
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/25/2013, last revision