Hollow Porcelain Crown for Provisional

A 60-year-old woman breaks #8 crown (Fig.1,2 C) and fiber post (P).  The fractured post and the remaining tooth structure inside the crown have been removed (hollowed, Fig.3).  After Epinephrine gauze, place a 4x15 mm implant (Fig.1,4 green) and probably a 4.5x5(3) mm abutment (Fig.4 pink).  The palatal portion of the latter will be trimmed (red curved line) to hold the hollowed crown.  Keep the last drill in place, explorer the apical buccal space to determine whether there is need to place membrane and bone graft prior to implantation.  Securely pack graft immediately after placement of the implant and then after the abutment.  Take preop photos for #8 and follow-up ones for #10 and 11.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/22/2016, last revision 05/25/2019