A 64-year-old man has had two episodes of trauma to his upper incisors with different degrees of apical radiolucency (Fig.2, especially #7 and 8).  He chooses implants, but his finance is limited.  The tooth #8 is most mobile, but there is limited mesiodistal width of bone available for implant placement (between arrowheads).  Mesial is a large incisive canal and distal apical radiolucency of the lateral incisor (#7).  Ideally root canal therapy (RCT) should be conducted for the lateral prior to implant placement at the site of #8.

Return to 1 Piece Implant and Incisive Canal Fig.1 Fig.3

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/07/2013, last revision 06/22/2014