A 48-year-old lady is a dental phobic and has generalized chronic periodontitis.  Bone loss around the tooth #2 has been severe for the last 5 years (Fig.1 (taken in 2009), 2 (2012) *).

Finally she agrees to have #2 (symptomatic) extracted and immediate implant placed (Fig.3 I).  A 7x17 mm implant has to be used to achieve primary stability (> 60 Ncm).  The large implant reduces gaps between the implant and socket.  The wound heals quicker.  Less bone graft will be used to fill the gaps.  The implant is placed with bone expansion technique (osteotomes).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 09/28/2014, last revision 01/19/2018