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A 57-year-old man has food impaction in the upper left posterior sextant due to caries at #15 and 16 (Fig1). The bridge will be sectioned between 13 and 14. If the cantilever FPD of #12/13 is stable, place #14,15 implants in the normal mesiodistal position using surgical stent. Otherwise the implants should be distal so that there is space to distalize the tooth #13 orthodontically prior to #12 implant placement. Initial depths at #14 and 15 are 7 and 4 mm using IS and SCA kits. Find surgical stent.
Return to Upper Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table), Armaments, Clindamycin, 2-4, #18 Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/18/2017, last revision 01/14/2020