The insertion torque at #9 is <25 Ncm (buccal apical plate perforation), while that at #8 is >45 Ncm with the same 1-piece implants (Fig.3,4: 2.5x14(2) mm).

Since the patient is going to travel abroad, he wants to have definitive restoration as soon as possible (Fig.7: 1 month 3 weeks postop).  After gingival retraction cords, the implant at #9 is found unstable.  Impression is taken for splinted restoration.  The tooth #10 has increased periodontal ligament space (<), while the crowns at #14 and 15 have not cemented.

1-Piece Implants Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/17/2017, last revision 03/18/2018