Fig.4 (Intraop PA): 3x23 mm one piece implant.  The patient is a heavy gagger.  #1 sensor is used to take intraop PA.  The tip of the pilot drill is not revealed.

Both the buccal and lingual plates are severely lost.  In fact the lingual wall is lower than the buccal.  The proximal walls are also low.  Bone graft is anticipated.

Fig.12 (6.5 months postop): In fact there is bone growth.  The thread #5 counting from the coronal aspect is partially covered by the bone; whereas the thread #6 is not covered when the implant is just placed (Fig.4).

Return to Longest Implant Last Next Nerve Fig.5

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/18/2013, last revision 10/06/2018