Fig.4: A 3x17 mm one piece implant is placed (I). The 1st thread is subcrestal (<).

Fig.7 is taken 10 months postop.  The provisional has not been replaced by a definitive restoration. The 1st thread is equicrestal (<).

Fig.8: 2 years 2 months postop, still not permanently restored.  The 1st thread is now supracrestal.  最好再种深点,防止植体在牙槽嵴(应力)螺纹处断裂。后者容易发生于上前牙(应力)。

Return to Immediate Loading  Last Next 1 year 10 months post 2nd cementation (4 years 10 months postop

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/19/2013, last revision 12/27/2020