It appears that the site can hold a 6x20 mm tissue-level implant (Fig.2).

The extraction turns out to be extremely difficult and time-consuming, but the bright side is that the bone is dense.  The most reliable landmark for osteotomy depth is the septal crest; when a 2 mm pilot drill is used in the middle of the septum (S in Fig.6 (insert a)) at 14 mm, it is close to the Inferior Alveolar Canal (Fig.3 yellow dashed line).  In fact the apical mesial wall of the septum is perforated (Fig.3 >).  In one word, the septum is thin.  It will be divided into two portions while the osteotomy is being enlarged.

Septal Struts

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/24/2015, last revision 04/25/2015