A 5x12 mm implant is placed (Fig.4 I); apically there is ~ 4 mm new bone (double arrows); coronally the implant is stabilized by the tripod septum (Fig.3).  The insertion torque is approximately 55 Ncm; at the same time, there is enough clearance from the superior border of the Inferior Alveolar Canal (red dashed line).  A 7.8x5(3) mm is placed immediately (Fig.5 A), followed by placement of bone graft (*).  The large abutment almost covers the socket opening.

The patient returns for final restoration 2 months 20 days postop.  Bone density in the former mesial and distal sockets increases (Fig.8).

Two years post cementation, there is bone loss at crest (Fig.13) with buccal thread exposure (Fig.14).

Moderate Diameter Implant Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/23/2015, last revision 08/25/2019