
56岁女右侧不好咀嚼,右下7远中龈下龋齿(图一,二),能保留吗?Implant or rct plus crown lengthening, either way is fine, but implant may be more straightforward (Robert).  Hi, Jennifer: I love the way you design implant in the mesial slope of the lower 2nd molar (Fig.1,4).  When I place an implant free hand, I make sure that the long axis of the implant is 5 mm from the distal surface of the 1st molar (half of the mesiodistal width of the 2nd molar, Fig.5) as long as the implant is not too close to the neighboring root (black dashed line of Fig.5).  PAs are taken several times intraoperatively to monitor the distal drifting (Fig.6 open arrow) of the osteotomy (red line).  In my opinion, the drifting exists with guided surgery, especially the change of angulation.  Can you intentionally move the implant mesially (Fig.7 open arrow) by 0.5-1 mm depending upon bone density or tilt the implant mesial coronally?  Thanks for your consideration.

Return to Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table) No Deviation No Caries Metronidazole Surgery
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/12/2020, last revision 11/13/2020