7.3 mm long Implant

A 54-year-old man has pain at #30 (Fig.1).  With severe loss of bone, the tooth is non-salvageable.  Section FPD between #28 and 29 before extraction of #30.  Because of limited bone, 4.5x7.3 and 5x7.3 mm implants appear to be appropriate at #29 (Fig.2) and 30.  Due to low bone density at #29 (Fig.2), under drilling is required.

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table), Armaments, No Antibiotic, #2

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/07/2018, last revision 06/08/2018