Orthodontic or Restorative Intrusion

After placement of a 4.5x10 mm implant with guide at #31 and before placement of a 6x4 (Fig.1) and finally a 5.5x4 (Fig.2) mm healing abutment, a 5.7x5(2) mm dummy (planning) abutment is placed without restorative space.  It appears that either orthodontic or restorative intrusion is necessary.  The patient prefers the latter.  The reasons of switching the large healing abutment to the smaller one are two-folded.  The primary stability of the implant is ~ 10 Ncm.  Tongue mobility may cause fibrointegration.  The 6 mm abutment seems to contact the mesial crestal bone (Fig.1).  In fact the smaller abutment does not help much.  It may be related to radiation angulation.  A smaller sensor will be used to reduce the angulation 3-4 months later.  In fact #1 sensor does produce better image with less angulation (Fig.3).  After trimming a 5.2x4.5(3) mm abutment and opposing tooth (palatal cusp), impression is taken.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/31/2018, last revision 11/05/2018