After debridement, osteotomy is initiated (Fig.4) for a 3.8x10 mm implant ~ 35 Ncm, followed by seating a 4.5x2 mm mill abutment (Fig.5).  Abundant sticky bone is placed in the remaining socket (for buccal plate reconstruction) and against the root surface of the neighboring teeth (Fig. 6 * (#10,12)).   植体3.8乘10毫米,扭力大约35Ncm,即刻放置一个特长基台(叫mill abutment,一家韩国公司,4.5乘2毫米,图五),这样粘性骨块可以扎扎实实地在植体冠部,基台根部周围放入(图六*),也推入邻牙(10,12号牙)牙根,如果牙根表面清创(刮治)好,骨粉会与牙骨质,牙周膜结合。文献表明基台表面骨粉,骨质会吸收,这个病例将显示论点不正确

Immediate Repair     Last     Next   4.5个月 Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/03/2020, last revision 06/03/2021