4 mm Abutment Minimal Prep for Provisional

A 55-year-old woman develops apical abscess (Fig.1 yellow outline) at #8 following #7-9 FPD fabrication in China.  Since the Incisive Foramen (red outline in Fig.1) is large, initial osteotomy and implant placement will be established not only as palatal as possible, but also mesial (Fig.2 green).  IBS system is chosen for this case, because of its 4 mm abutment (minimal prep for provisional), as compared to UF (4.5 mm) and SM (3.9 and 4.8 mm for narrow, 4.8 mm for regular).  However, the narrowest and longest IBS implant is 4x13 mm (Fig.2); it barely passes the apical lesion.  The 2nd narrowest and longest FC implant is 4.5x15 mm (Fig.3, metal may show off unless subcrestal), as compared to UF (3.8x18 mm, Fig.4) and SM (3.8x14 mm).  If the trajectory and osteotomy is initiated ideally, use IBS.  Otherwise switch to UF.  The FPD will be sectioned.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/05/2017, last revision 11/05/2017