Subsequent osteotomy is adjusted so that the apical end of the osteotomy moves distal; when a 3.8x15 mm dummy implant is partially placed, there is clearance (Fig.4).   It remains so when a definitive implant is seated (Fig.5); Vanilla graft is placed (Fig.5 *) before placement of a 4.5x5.5(3) mm abutment.  More allograft is placed when an immediate provisional is fabricated (Fig.6 arrow and *).  The coronal portion of the socket heals 4 months postop (Fig.12).  The bone continues to be dense 4 months post cementation (9 months postop, Fig.15).   When the repaired crown is recemented after abutment torque, the bone density around the coronal end of the implant is evident (Fig.23 *).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/15/2019, last revision 03/15/2019