After removal of the dummy, the major remaining piece of PRF (from 9 cc vial) and more allograft are placed before inserting a definitive implant (same size) with 15 Ncm; still the used to be thick membrane remains intact and stretched (Fig.12 M).  The implant is equicrestal buccal, while slightly supracrestal palatal.  To prevent implant dislodgement into the sinus and bone graft, a final abutment is placed (Fig.12).  The wound is closed with 4-0 PGA, perio glue and perio dressing.   The latter dislodges 3 days postop.  The wound seems to be healing.  No dressing is reapplied.

Internal Lift     Last     Next   第一磨牙即种   101   Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/23/2021, last revision 05/16/2021